There’s Something Profound About This Verse Tahrim 66:5

There’s something profound about this verse and it shows how much Allah’s might and ability is boundless! He literally can change anything and nothing is so universally fixed and a constant that he can’t change.

The best and highest caliber of women are the prophet’s wife till date, but here Allah says He could’ve change that in a heartbeat if He so wishes! Allahu Akbar

Let me put that in perspective with my humanly-little-thinking mind. It means, and Allah knows best, at that very point in time (before the revelation of that verse) they were still the best women. But if Allah wishes, after that moment he’ll sprout better women, almost overnight, to confirm this statement —this proclamation —and nothing will stop that. He’ll change history as we know it. وما ذلك على الله بعزيز

Allahu Akbar!!

Nb: this write-up is not intended to undermine the wives of the prophet may Allah be pleased with them but to have an appreciation of Allah’s verses and might

Abu A’ish MK Albani

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